How to Start Your Week Off Right

Hi guys! Today I’m sharing with you 3 things to do on Sunday to start your week off on the right foot.

As a stay at home mom, sometimes I think we drive ourselves crazy with all the things we have to do around the house. Especially with how we want the house to looks and feel on a daily basis. I think that youtube videos and instagram are to blame for a lot of this excess stress but that’s a lotta stuff for another day.

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how to start the week right, how to start the week positively, how to do a weekly review, weekly reflection for moms, journaling prompts for moms, journaling prompts for stay at home moms, how to be ok with being a stay at home mom, stay at home mom routine, how to deal with being a stay at home mom, how to deal with the stress of being a stay at home mom

Today, I want to talk to you about what you can do to minimize the overwhelm you might feel week to week.

Have you heard the phrase taking your ideal self and start living as that person today? I think it started with an IBM guy. Act like them think like them and make decisions how they would.

I realized that for IBM to become a great company it would have to act like a great company long before it ever became one.

Tom Watson, IBM

Found the quote!

Sometimes I feel so far off from what I think future me would be acting. This disconnection makes me feel disappointed in myself and then I get extremely overwhelmed. I start thinking of everything I should be doing and comparing myself to a perfect version of myself who doesn’t make any mistakes.

This often leads me to do nothing. Then I get farther away from who I really to be and how I want to be.

To help with this I wanted some way to track some things.

I needed some kind of accountability with myself on the bare minimums to keep my household going and my mind and body healthy.

That’s when I came up with the weekly reflection tracker.

This is the perfect sheet for those who need to check in with themselves on a consistent weekly basis to make sure all the tasks from last week are wrapped up and so you can start a new week on a fresh slate.

I know exactly how it feels to have things piled up and feeling like I could never get ahead. It’s so debilitating, it really is.

Read: How to Take Charge of Life Debt for the Overwhelmed Mom

how to start your week off right

We’re going to take a look at 3 main areas of our life that I think a lot of stay at home moms complain the most about.

  1. Health
  2. Money
  3. Laundry

These aren’t in any particular order…

How do you start the week off right with your health?

Whether it’s weight loss, toning, or just trying to maintain your health, there’s either meals or exercise. It always comes down to those 2 things.

This one I know is always at the top of my list of goals. (unfortunately). 

To keep it as simple as possible for now, we are only going to think about body movement.

how to start your week off right

We are going to schedule out what days we’re going to exercise and block out how long that is going to take. Also include time to shower and get ready afterward as well.

When you’re looking at your week, and how you function best, when does moving your body fit in best?

Would you rather wake up a little earlier for some exercise? Or would you rather wait until later in the day?

This is different for everyone.

I’ve tried and kept pushing myself to exercise early in the morning so I could get it out of the way for the day, but I’m starting to realize, I like working out after lunch. I feel like I have so much more energy from because I’m not completely drained from pushing myself too hard in the morning. I don’t have the afternoon crash because I’m moving around when that “slump” time usually hits.

Try different times out for yourself. Which ones make you feel better? That’s the whole point of exercise anyway, right?

How do you start the week off right with money?

Take some time and track all your spending and bill transactions throughout the week and update your budget trackers whether they’re on paper or digital.

how to start your week off right, Start the week motivation, start the week off right, how to start the week off right, 
how to start the week right, how to start the week positively, how to do a weekly review, weekly reflection for moms, journaling prompts for moms, journaling prompts for stay at home moms, how to be ok with being a stay at home mom, stay at home mom routine, how to deal with being a stay at home mom, how to deal with the stress of being a stay at home mom

Money money money. Have many times have you had the money fight?! I’m so done arguing about money.

The best way to control it and not to always worry about it is to plan how you’re going to spend it when you get paid and try your best to stick to it. Stop going over the amounts you set aside.

But that means keeping track of how much you spend. So you know where you’re at.

I track everything daily. I’m just used to it now. But if you don’t want to look at your bank account every day, check in at least once a week! You’re more likely to stay within your budget and you’ll catch any mistakes quicker too.

The more knowledge and awareness you have about your finances, the more you feel in control and the less likely you’ll fight about it.

Read: How I Use My Expense Tracker

How do you start the week off right with laundry?

Last but most certainly not least our favorite word, laundry. I’m just going to say it, I hate laundry.

how to start your week off right, Start the week motivation, start the week off right, how to start the week off right, 
how to start the week right, how to start the week positively, how to do a weekly review, weekly reflection for moms, journaling prompts for moms, journaling prompts for stay at home moms, how to be ok with being a stay at home mom, stay at home mom routine, how to deal with being a stay at home mom, how to deal with the stress of being a stay at home mom

I try to be thankful that I have clothes and my family has clothes, but I can still hate laundry right?!

It’s never ending.

The whole process takes so much time.

Folding and putting it away is just like ahhhh!!! (that’s the hardest part for me, if you couldn’t tell)

Okay, okay my whining is done.

Laundry in our house is the easiest thing to pile up, next to our goodwill donation boxes that I haven’t taken out yet.

This is the last thing you want to bring into a new week because it snowballs and will drive you even more crazy than it already does.

So take Saturday and Sunday if you need to and catch up on a bunch of loads. Break it up throughout the day into more bite size pieces, if that will help you feel less overwhelmed. But don’t let it cross into Monday. Because the cycle has already started again and you will already have a new pile waiting for you.

Read: Laundry Schedule Cheatsheet

One final thought.

If you’re still feeling completely overwhelmed, it’s okay. Start with one task.

Which one is driving you the craziest? Start with that one.

Then next week add on one more. Then the third week one more.

Ease into these tasks and make them habits and part of your routine. 

The goal here is to get you to accomplish all your goals and dreams without sacrificing your sanity. To maintain your household with ease and flow so it’s not something that constantly making you feel overwhelmed and defeated.

Let me know how this works for you!

p.s. you can get the weekly reflection sheet below & I have a Valentine’s bundle sale for you!

how to start your week off right

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